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Trump is not for me anymore

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  • #31
    Re: Trump is not for me anymore

    Originally posted by crazy View Post
    What happen if Trump is proven to be correct and the election was stolen from him. Does Joe Biden give Trump back the keys to the White House??.
    Trump will never be Proven. It's being Crushed.
    Watch Pelosi on the news right now. She's moving to silence Trump forever. FB and Twitter has already moved against him.
    What about all the crimes committed in the impeachment. The Durham report. All sent out to the abiss.
    Hunter such news


    • #32
      Re: Trump is not for me anymore

      Originally posted by 2631 View Post
      Let them produce the evidence that would stand up in court presided by republican appointed judges. Do you think that might satisfy the Trump faithful?
      Do you actually think it's all about Trump still? I have news for you... it isn't. Trump was elected because he wasn't establishment... in other words... many of "we the people" are actually sick and tired of our corrupt government. You may be willing to accept the fact that our government is corrupt to it's core but we are not and that will not change now that Trump will be out of the picture. Can you actually understand that? It's not called Trump's faithful... it's called constitutionally faithful.

      Trump's four years just went to prove what we knew all along... that the deep state runs long and deep... in all branches... government agencies and both parties. You may be willing to keep playing the game thinking and hoping things miraculously get better but we know the game is rigged and will only end up destroying this country. So...just go on... playing the game and believing all this BS about how the same old establishment players care about our Constitution and keeping the integrity of our elections. What a joke. And you want to talk about Trump's faithfuls... how about the foolish establishment's faithfuls?

      We Ain’t Going To Submit and We Won’t Forget

      After four years of a sustained coup attempt to destroy the Presidency of Donald Trump, the Washington establishment now wants us, the deplorables, to sit down, shut up and accept a steal. Here’s a news flash. We will not. This is no longer about ensuring that Donald Trump, who won the election, remains as President. The issue is more profound. It is the preservation of our Republic and a demand for genuine accountability and fairness. As I listen to the howls of faux outrage by a plethora of Democrat, Republican, media and Silicon Valley tech giants condemning any Trump supporter who dares speak out to challenge the election fraud of November 3rd, I have not forgotten and will not forget their lies and their silence. When Black Lives Matter and Antifa ravaged some of our major cities over the last 9 months, these clowns did not denounce the rioting, looting and violence. They lied and called it peaceful protests. But the Silent Majority saw with their own eyes the desecration of statues, the assaults on law abiding citizens, the destruction of small businesses.

      When disgruntled Democrats and Hollywood elite insisted, “Trump is not our President”, the media did not denounce them as “insurrectionists.” When Madonna called for blowing up the White House the only outrage came from Trump supporters. The rest of the establishment yawned and celebrated. When Kathy Griffin, a low rent, untalented comedian, decapitated a model of Donald Trump, the media again shrugged this off as nothing of import. The double standard, the gargantuan hypocrisy is stunning. And the Washington Establishment expects us to act as Alzheimer patients who can’t remember what we had for breakfast? No. We remember every act of resistance. For more than four years we were fed the damnable lie that the Russians elected Donald Trump. Now we know that the FBI lied repeatedly in submitting false applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. So far, not one of those liars–Comey, McCabe, Strzok–have been called to account. Yet, supporters of Trump–General Michael Flynn and Roger Stone–were accused falsely of lying and prosecuted. Most true Americans recognize this as a flagrant violation of the basic concept of fairness and blind justice.

      We are told to move along, nothing to see here. Yet, we have witnessed the metaphorical exploding of bombs, crashing of cars and know beyond doubt that there is overwhelming evidence of election fraud. Plenty to see if only one opens his or her eyes. We have seen the videos of ballots in suitcases being pulled from hidden stashes and run thru Dominion voting machines. We have seen live footage of those machines communicating via wifi with China. We have read the affidavit of a witness who hauled 400,000 filled in ballots from Beth Page, New York to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. These are not conspiracy theories. These are pieces of tangible evidence. We have watched angry leftists burn American flags and have endured the lectures about the rights of those scum to express themselves. No arrests. Yet, the police turned out in force to arrest the African American leader of the Proud Boys for burning a Black Lives Matter banner. What the Hell? One set of rules for those who want to destroy America and another set for patriots who want to defend this Nation.


      • #33
        Re: Trump is not for me anymore

        Can you actually understand that? It's not called Trump's faithful... it's called constitutionally faithful.
        No Docker I can't understand it. I guess I live in a bubble. Most of my neighbors, former coworkers who I'm still in contact with, nieces nephews and my stepson are all Trump faithful followers who think the election was stolen from him. They know as much about the constitution as I do. I can't recall any of them ever referring to the constitution when defending Trump.


        • #34
          Re: Trump is not for me anymore

          Originally posted by 2631 View Post
          No Docker I can't understand it. I guess I live in a bubble. Most of my neighbors, former coworkers who I'm still in contact with, nieces nephews and my stepson are all Trump faithful followers who think the election was stolen from him. They know as much about the constitution as I do. I can't recall any of them ever referring to the constitution when defending Trump.
          You are right... you don't unsderstand... or even comprehend for that matter because I didn't refer to the Constitution when defending Trump... it was about his supporters so how about you reading my post again.

          Let's break it down so you can understand... "it's not called Trump's faithful... it's called constitutionally faithful"...

          You called his supporters - Trump's faithful... and I called his supporters - constitutionally faithful. So just how do you get it in your mind that I was referring to the constitution when defending Trump?

          And you know what the sad part is... after all I said in my post... all that you could reply with was something you couldn't understand in the first place.
          Last edited by Docker; 01-07-2021, 04:13 PM.


          • #35
            Re: Trump is not for me anymore

            Originally posted by 2631 View Post
            I guess anything is possible but IMO highly unlikely. Trump won the 2016 election in the electoral college. he was the POTUS fair and square. But that wasn't good enough for him. He cried foul because Rodham Clinton won the popular vote by 2.9 million or so. Even before that election he wouldn't agree to accept the results if he lost because he said the election was rigged.

            in 2017 Trump called for a presidential commission to look into corruption in the 2016 election. VP Mike Pence headed that commission. It found no evidence of election fraud. Now he is challenging 2020 election on voter fraud. I suggest that Biden appoint a commission of all republicans with Cruz as chairman. Let them produce the evidence that would stand up in court presided by republican appointed judges. Do you think that might satisfy the Trump faithful?
            Here's a new player in the game that you might want to start backing because she seems to be vying to secure a position with the establishment...

            Radical Leftists Open Final Campaign to Remove Trump From Office

            Newly-sworn Representative Cori Bush of Missouri beclowned herself yesterday in what was, apparently, her very first official act as an elected representative after taking the oath of office. Her first resolution calls for the expulsion of colleagues who challenged certification of the electoral college vote for “President-elect” Biden.

            Meanwhile, Representative lhan Omar of Minnesota continued beclowning herself by tweeting the articles of impeachment she introduced against President Trump.

            Both congressladies think their measures are an appropriate response to the surge of mostly peaceful protesters who stormed the U.S. Capitol yesterday.

            Bush likely doesn’t know it, but a congressman cannot be expelled for doing what congressmen often do. Nor does Omar apparently understand that with 13 days left before Biden takes office, impeachment is most unlikely.



            • #36
              Re: Trump is not for me anymore

              And you know what the sad part is... after all I said in my post... all that you could reply with was something you couldn't understand in the first place.
              Maybe that's because I don't have an opinion on conspiracy theories. As far as constitutionality shouldn't that be decided by federal and the supreme court? And I certainly am not qualified to challenge anything that the Gateway Pundit reports as proven facts. Alternative proven facts if there is such a thing.

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              Rudy and Sydney didn't seem to present the facts too well. Or are the Trump appointed judges also corrupt?


              • #37
                Re: Trump is not for me anymore

                Originally posted by Docker View Post
                Here's a new player in the game that you might want to start backing because she seems to be vying to secure a position with the establishment...
                Come on crazy you know I could never back someone who "beclowns" herself. As for the new American I stopped reading the article as soon as I saw ULine was a sponsor


                • #38
                  Re: Trump is not for me anymore

                  Originally posted by 2631 View Post
                  Come on crazy you know I could never back someone who "beclowns" herself. As for the new American I stopped reading the article as soon as I saw ULine was a sponsor
                  You got Uline on your ads?? Guess I am lucky then.. I got Russian single ladies in nightware... And no I ain't trading. I saw enough ULine..


                  • #39
                    Re: Trump is not for me anymore

                    Originally posted by 2631 View Post
                    Maybe that's because I don't have an opinion on conspiracy theories. As far as constitutionality shouldn't that be decided by federal and the supreme court? And I certainly am not qualified to challenge anything that the Gateway Pundit reports as proven facts. Alternative proven facts if there is such a thing.
                    Of course you don't have an opinion on conspiracy theories... your corrupt media has you trained well... never question the narrative. I suppose you don't have an opinion on the Kennedy conspiracy or the 911 conspiracy either.

                    As for the constitutionality being decided by federal and the supreme court... that's how it should work... but not if the system is broken or corrupt. Or are you saying you won't even go there either because you don't have an opinion on conspiracy theories again.

                    And as for your Gateway Pundit remark... that just goes to prove that you can't understand... comprehend or differentiate between a fact and an opinion so it's understandable why you don't have an opinion when it comes to conspiracy theories.

                    Originally posted by 2631 View Post
                    Rudy and Sydney didn't seem to present the facts too well. Or are the Trump appointed judges also corrupt?
                    I don't know if they're corrupt... scared... or really do believe they made the right decision. Just as it is when any president chooses who to fill positions... they pick who they believe to the right pick. But there you go again... Trump must be perfect or you'll condemn him not being so... won't you? You good at finding faults but not when it comes to understanding and comprehending that human beings aren't perfect or can see into a person's mind.


                    • #40
                      Re: Trump is not for me anymore

                      I don't know if they're corrupt... scared... or really do believe they made the right decision. Just as it is when any president chooses who to fill positions... they pick who they believe to the right pick. But there you go again... Trump must be perfect or you'll condemn him not being so... won't you? You good at finding faults but not when it comes to understanding and comprehending that human beings aren't perfect or can see into a person's mind.
                      I don't recall ever saying Trump must be perfect. If anyone said it it was probably Trump himself. After all he was a genius, the smartest person he knew. Even smarter than his generals etc. And besides I could never consider a draft dodger to be perfect.

                      Getting back to judgeship appointments. A quick goggle shows that Trump appointed and the republican controlled senate confirmed around 454 judges. I can't find the quote but I remember McConnell saying, as hundreds of house passed bills died on his desk, that his goal was to fill the federal bench with conservative judges.

                      I find it a bit odd that Rudy couldn't find a few honest judges to hear his lawsuits.



                      • #41
                        Re: Trump is not for me anymore

                        Originally posted by 2631 View Post
                        I don't recall ever saying Trump must be perfect. If anyone said it it was probably Trump himself. After all he was a genius, the smartest person he knew. Even smarter than his generals etc. And besides I could never consider a draft dodger to be perfect.

                        Getting back to judgeship appointments. A quick goggle shows that Trump appointed and the republican controlled senate confirmed around 454 judges. I can't find the quote but I remember McConnell saying, as hundreds of house passed bills died on his desk, that his goal was to fill the federal bench with conservative judges.

                        I find it a bit odd that Rudy couldn't find a few honest judges to hear his lawsuits.


                        IMO... even though you probably never actually said that Trump must be perfect but your posts say as much. Ah... now it's back to the draft dodger label... agian... many of the rich took advantage of their status when it came to avoiding the draft... it is pitiful but like you... yourself even replied once to a member along the line of... that's the way it is. And you also act as Trump is the only member of our government that's arrogant and egotistical... how about looking around... most are in congress.

                        You act like the republicans are all his friends and backing him... many of the party never did like or accept the fact that he was part of their party.

                        I find it a bit odd that you can't accept the fact that our government is corrupt to it's core and that the deep state is alive and well while calling the shots. But then again... you probably call that a conspiracy theory which you don't even acknowledge exist... right?


                        • #42
                          Re: Trump is not for me anymore

                          Whee is MULER in all this????


                          • #43
                            Re: Trump is not for me anymore

                            Originally posted by Jimmy View Post
                            Whee is MULER in all this????
                            Are you serious Jimmy? This is a question that you ask about someone who hardly ever… if ever… posted in the political section of any site let alone this one. How about asking that question to your own mods who frequently and readily posted in this section.

                            All I can do is give my opinion as to what I have noticed since returning. Why is it that your mods haven’t been posting in this section… as a matter of fact… haven’t been posting very much at all except for the Community Lounge? What… is it because they’re mad that you unbanned members they didn’t personally like… relaxed the rules to the extent where they couldn’t control the conversation and moderate those they disagreed with anymore… is it that they are not posting because they are secretly hoping your new rules fail in the hopes you’ll go back to the way things were… or is a combination of all three?

                            Food for thought… those you think that are with you in this new quest to build the site back up really aren’t and those who you are leery of might actually want this site to thrive again. That’s something you should be and have been thinking about… just saying
                            Last edited by Docker; 01-08-2021, 07:01 AM.


                            • #44
                              Re: Trump is not for me anymore

                              That Capital "breech" was totally staged.
                              Staged by those who do this stuff worldwide and Trump gets in the way of that.
                              They hire violent protesters and perform coups with them all over the world.

                              It's exactly what they did in Ukraine/Crimea vs Russia...and that's where their hatred for Trump started.
                              They are stupid losers to think and act like Trump started this.
                              Their cheating in elections started this. That is another of the Deep States expert skills. They use that worldwide to put in leaders, not for a nations citizens, but for themselves and the IMF and Central Banks. Now they did it right here.
                              And they have the gall to take our tax money for their paychecks.
                              They should be fired.
                              Last edited by slavenomore; 01-08-2021, 07:17 AM.


                              • #45
                                Re: Trump is not for me anymore

                                Originally posted by slavenomore View Post
                                And they have the gall to take our tax money for their paychecks.
                                And the saddest part of that is... their paychecks are just a small portion of their yearly income!!!

