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  • Capitalism

    ''The Federal Aviation Administration(FAA),subcontracted the safety/certification functions to Boeing itself,so there was no early warning system in place to avert the resultant tragedy''...''Shareholder Capitalism,whereby basic safety concerns have repeatedly been sacrificed at the altar of greed''

    And there you have it...''Self-Certification''...Free Market Capitalism at it's finest that our friends on the right are always spewing about...''Government is the problem'' as their hero Reagan was always spouting...Oh yeah...Read On...

    This excellent article epitomizes everything that is wrong with free market capitalism in this country,and it's a process that is seen in most industries,including Big Pharma,Big Oil,Big Food,Wall Street,Financial and Insurance Industries...When catastrophe happens,the capitalist responds just by lying his or her way out of it,with NO GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT there to do anything much about it,and at this point the lies become the dominant theme...

    The next catastrophic failure is just around the corner,and it may have already happened,given the incredible rise in the number of Autistic children,a generation EXPOSED to GMOs and Glyphosate...

    Maybe when the tragic loss of life begins to OVERTAKE the lies,the rationalizations and denials,the people will begin to realize that once AGAIN,they've been SCREWED OVER by Free Market Corporate America Capitalism,and maybe then things will change...but given the fact that 170,000 people died of Opiate overdoses last year,it would appear we are too brainwashed as a SOCIETY to react appropriately to anything...

    Make no mistake about it,Capitalism is a DEATH CULT...Everything is a commodity to be bought and sold INCLUDING people...NOTHING HAS VALUE EXCEPT FOR PROFIT...The pursuit of riches DESTROYS more then the SOUL of the GREEDY...IT KILLS EVERYTHING...As We Will ALL Find Out

    Boeing makes up the Largest percentage in the Dow Jones Industrials,about twice more than Apple or Microsoft...That reflects what kind of system we are living in...THE WAR STATE!!!!

  • #2
    Re: Capitalism

    I'd like to call it "the death state."


    • #3
      Re: Capitalism

      Couldn't find the Socialism thread so I''ll post it here......

      But SOCIALISM! (Picture) - Hide Out Now


      • #4
        Re: Capitalism

        Originally posted by Sayheykid View Post
        Couldn't find the Socialism thread so I''ll post it here......

        But SOCIALISM! (Picture) - Hide Out Now
        To the point ... exactly.


        • #5
          Re: Capitalism

          YOU,and YOU,and YOU,and yes YOU,the individual are responsible for the actions and choices you make in life,not the government or society...''YOU ARE''!!!!

          Since its inception,perhaps the greatest single lie propagated by Capitalists in the U.S. is the notion that Capitalism and Democracy ever had any legitimate chance at coexistence...On a planet where SIX individuals possess as much wealth as half of the world's population,this nonsense about ''individual responsibility'' has been proven to be utter garbage...The ONLY individuals having a meaningful say regarding their destiny are the wealthy that diligently work to strip the working class of theirs...

          I get sick of the realization that too many people in the US think of our system of government as some kind of religious doctrine...No matter how badly it works,no matter how crazy it gets,they 'Believe' in it,just because they have no other alternative,and refuse to consider any other alternative...Any suggestion that an alternative could be better is considered Blasphemy and is punished as Heresy...

          Our Constitution is a document specifying a decision process...That document specifies a process that is failing to properly administrate the principles advanced in our Declaration of Independence,and the prohibitions contained in our Bill of Rights...''FAILING TO DELIVER Rational and Effective Government''....In other words....IT'S NOT WORKING!!!!

          What will cause WW111,in my opinion,is the failure of our social tools to manage or resolve the problems and conflicts arising from our SHARED Human Experiences...Our processes we use to make public policy decisions...Our processes we use to manage and account for trade...Our processes we use to stem the naked aggression of the Military Industrial Complex...Our processes we use to stem the absolute cronyism and corruption of our government,and the list goes on and on and on....

          And in case people haven't noticed,there are an INCREASING number of us,''We the People'',that are getting damn sick and tired of the continuing stream of Lies,Excuses,and BS being spewed by those who INSIST the damn thing is working...It's NOT Working...It's Failing...

          The systems we use are failing dismally to resolve the conflicts of modern society...We need to fix the process we use and enact resolutions,because what we use now AIN'T WORKING!!!!!

          Even though this article was published in 2014,It's interesting and still resonates in this day and age...


          • #6
            Re: Capitalism

            I like the statement "America could be flying high with The Jetsons. But instead, we’re stuck hoofing it with The Flintstones" in post #5.

            I guess we can ask ourselves if this is thinking forward ... or backward ?
            Relaxing emission standards on burning coal.
            Allowing coal slurry to seep into clean waters.
            Rolling back fuel mileage standards.
            Claiming certain chemicals for our food isn't dangerous.
            Stopping gas & oil companies from reporting methane emissions.
            Stopped enforcing a 2015 rule that prohibited the use of hydrofluorocarbons.
            Rescinded water pollution regulations for fracking on federal and Indian lands.
            Loosened offshore drilling safety regulations.

            Sure, all meant to enhance the corporate worlds profit margins and weaken the American citizen.


            • #7
              Re: Capitalism

              Capitalism for what it really is.......

              "... somehow we find it hard to sell our values, namely that the rich should plunder the poor." -- former Secretary of State John Foster Dulles"


              • #8
                Re: Capitalism

                Originally posted by Sayheykid View Post
                Capitalism for what it really is.......

                "... somehow we find it hard to sell our values, namely that the rich should plunder the poor." -- former Secretary of State John Foster Dulles"
                Honestly Kid,I just don't understand why anyone would think we wouldn't turn into a society ruled by sociopaths!!!...I mean,it's right there in the brochure,after all,we get told right up front...We have a society set up to REWARD the most greedy,the most selfish,the most unconcerned with other human beings and life in general...Of course we HIDE the reality with Capitalism's catch words,Entrepreneur,Competition,Growth,and Profit...But these are little more than ways to EXPLOIT others for your own gain...And sure maybe in this goal to gain from exploiting others someone does come up with beneficial ideas,sometimes,but it's no guarantee...But it is guaranteed that the MOST greedy,the most selfish,the most vile will RISE to the TOP in such a system...

                I would go so far as to say that the problem is far deeper then we can imagine...I don't believe anymore it's even possible to VOTE our way out of it...In fact,after so many years and decades,I have finally agreed with Socrates and his views on Democracy...Without an Enlightened,Educated and Politically ACTIVE Populace,Democracy simply doesn't work...It never has and it unfortunately as far as I can see never will...

                That is in a fair system...So many Americans just don't care,are just too ignorant,and easily SWAYED by Evil People...In the the utterly RIGGED System we have today all we are doing by voting is VALIDATING a Corrupted System...

                In 2016,Bernie would have won...CHEATED out of the nomination by Hillary and Corporate Democrats...What passes for the so called ''LEFT'' today is ethically,morally,and politically bankrupt and they ABANDONED Working Class Americans to the Wolves of Corporate America,Wall St,and the War Machine...And that's exactly WHY we have Trump,and that's exactly WHY Trump will get RE-ELECTED if the ''LEFT'' continues to IGNORE the Suffering of Working Class Americans...

                The writing is all over the wall,the building...EVERYWHERE...Bernie Sanders will be cheated again and even if he wasn't they would ATTACK him so relentlessly(corporate america-corporate media-corporate democrats) as to make him totally ineffectual...We shall see!!!!




                • #9
                  Re: Capitalism

                  Originally posted by wizard View Post
                  Honestly Kid,I just don't understand why anyone would think we wouldn't turn into a society ruled by sociopaths!!!...I mean,it's right there in the brochure,after all,we get told right up front...We have a society set up to REWARD the most greedy,the most selfish,the most unconcerned with other human beings and life in general...Of course we HIDE the reality with Capitalism's catch words,Entrepreneur,Competition,Growth,and Profit...But these are little more than ways to EXPLOIT others for your own gain...And sure maybe in this goal to gain from exploiting others someone does come up with beneficial ideas,sometimes,but it's no guarantee...But it is guaranteed that the MOST greedy,the most selfish,the most vile will RISE to the TOP in such a system...

                  I would go so far as to say that the problem is far deeper then we can imagine...I don't believe anymore it's even possible to VOTE our way out of it...In fact,after so many years and decades,I have finally agreed with Socrates and his views on Democracy...Without an Enlightened,Educated and Politically ACTIVE Populace,Democracy simply doesn't work...It never has and it unfortunately as far as I can see never will...

                  That is in a fair system...So many Americans just don't care,are just too ignorant,and easily SWAYED by Evil People...In the the utterly RIGGED System we have today all we are doing by voting is VALIDATING a Corrupted System...

                  In 2016,Bernie would have won...CHEATED out of the nomination by Hillary and Corporate Democrats...What passes for the so called ''LEFT'' today is ethically,morally,and politically bankrupt and they ABANDONED Working Class Americans to the Wolves of Corporate America,Wall St,and the War Machine...And that's exactly WHY we have Trump,and that's exactly WHY Trump will get RE-ELECTED if the ''LEFT'' continues to IGNORE the Suffering of Working Class Americans...

                  The writing is all over the wall,the building...EVERYWHERE...Bernie Sanders will be cheated again and even if he wasn't they would ATTACK him so relentlessly(corporate america-corporate media-corporate democrats) as to make him totally ineffectual...We shall see!!!!


                  Wizard, I haven't thrown in the towel just yet. Everything you said is true but I still believe that there is a glimmer of hope.


                  • #10
                    Re: Capitalism

                    Originally posted by 222lifer View Post
                    Wizard, I haven't thrown in the towel just yet. Everything you said is true but I still believe that there is a glimmer of hope.
                    I hope your right Lifer,I really do,for our children and grandchildren sake...I think that heart attack changed Bernie a bit and put things a little better in perspective for him...Saying things like Billionaires should NOT exist...Well,here and now among Corporate America that is outright HERESY of the first order(bloomberg entering the race)...

                    They are NOT going to let him win...They do not fear what he could actually achieve as President...They can stop that in it's tracks as both political parties,the ruling elites and their corporate media,wall st,the war machine and ALL the rest would TAG TEAM him with lies,slanders,propaganda,gaslighting,and if necessary a collapse of the entire economy to blame on him...NO...They are not worried about that...What they are worried about is the ''MEGAPHONE'' that being President would give Bernie,that he would have a WINDOW in which to INFECT others with his ''RADICAL'' ideas as POPULAR as they actually are...

                    Mark my words,by any means necessary,the ruling elites and their ENTIRE Edifice will not let Bernie win...Their own guilt makes them fear and hate the very same Working Class People who MAY one day hold them accountable for their Hubris,Greed and Criminality,and they cannot abide even the THOUGHT of giving up so much as a DIME of their ill gotten gains or their power,the ''SCUM'' that they ARE!!!!!!



                    • #11
                      Re: Capitalism

                      More on Capitalism, Sanders and the need for change....find it hard to believe Wizard didn't post this.......



                      • #12
                        Re: Capitalism

                        ""As we view the achievements of aggregated capital, we discover the existence of trusts, combinations, and monopolies, while the citizen is struggling far in the rear or is trampled to death beneath an iron heel. Corporations, which should be the carefully restrained creatures of the law and the servants of the people, are fast becoming the people's masters." -- Grover Cleveland, 22nd and 24th President of the United States

                        How to be a "Billionaire".....



                        • #13
                          Re: Capitalism

                          "THOUGHT FOR THE DAY!
                          "Ever since the days of Henry Ford, the Economic Elite have needed a thriving US middle class to increase growth and profits, but now, in the global economy, they view the US middle class as obsolete. They increasingly look globally for profits and they would rather pay cheap labor in countries like China and India." -- David DeGraw"


                          • #14
                            Re: Capitalism

                            Capitalism at it's best.....gotta love it!

                            Ladies and Gentlemen, capitalism in optima forma - YourDestinationNow

                            Savings (Picture) - STATIONGOSSIP


                            • #15
                              Re: Capitalism

                              More on Capitalism...

                              Pretty weird (Picture) - Hide Out Now

