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  • Reality

    So who honestly believes and why that basement joe and the ho actually got more votes then trump .

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • #2
    Re: Reality

    I dont think he won, to many involved if its a conspiracy. And I read the supreme court ruled against him too.


    • #3
      Re: Reality

      A long cold dark winter


      • #4
        Re: Reality

        Reality, Biden won Trump lost...nuff said


        • #5
          Re: Reality

          Back in the day it would not have been a big deal which one won but Joe’s win is a major blow to freedom, liberty and economics of the American worker.


          • #6
            Re: Reality

            7 million is a lot of votes to corrupt. Trump had 4 years to investigate his so called "rigged " election process. I guess all the red states that Trump won weren't corrupted. Even his hand picked AG Barr said he couldn't find evidence of election fraud...............I know there isn't anything that I can post that could possibly change any of your minds................I believe this election was as legitimate as the 2016 when Trump won with 2.9 million fewer votes........................If the 2020 election was rigged then where is the actual proof? Why send Rudy ( no credibility) as ring leader of that circus act? I don't believe the MSM and state governments could possibly cover it all up....................Where's the legal proof of a "rigged election? Even Trump's friend FOX's Geraldo Rivera, (Jerry Rivers as he used to call himself back when he first started out on WABC in NYC) said it was over and Trump should stand down.


            • #7
              Re: Reality


              Joe’s Rallies consisted of a handful of people which he read a script for 12 minutes and left. Joe answered the fewest questions from the Media that never asked tough questions all while Hunter Biden had ties to Chinese energy company. Joe picked the lest popular running mate.
              ya ... joe won


              • #8
                Re: Reality

                Originally posted by 1484-1075 View Post
                So who honestly believes and why that basement joe and the ho actually got more votes then trump .

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                I don't think Biden won either.. I have read too much of the evidence about voter fraud that has occurred.. For those that think it is over I do hope they are ready for the December surprise..

                1st.. The Pennsylvania case is still on the Supreme court docket..

                2nd. Sidney Powell's case from Michigan has a go ahead from the supreme court being announced today.. It contains the forensic audit done in Michigan that proves systemic voter fraud occurred through the Dominion Voting System tabulation. It also has proof of at least 200,000 FRAUDULANT VOTES casted in the election.


                3rd. Peter Navarro from the Trump administration released a 36 page report on the 2020 election ..



                • #9
                  Re: Reality

                  Trump big mouth got him voted out.


                  • #10
                    Re: Reality

                    There sure are a lot of unanswered questions, and discrepancies that have to make you wonder.


                    • #11
                      Re: Reality

                      Originally posted by Jimmy View Post
                      Trump big mouth got him voted out.
                      Trump needed to be an arrogant ass to push back on the total wave of attack and criminal activity of the left.


                      • #12
                        Re: Reality

                        Originally posted by Jimmy View Post
                        Trump big mouth got him voted out.
                        It will be Trumps big mouth that will get him back into office if he is successful. At least we can say he not a quitter ...


                        • #13
                          Re: Reality

                          I hope Trumps big mouth gets him a room in the Big House.


                          • #14
                            Re: Reality

                            Originally posted by Haz-Man View Post
                            I hope Trumps big mouth gets him a room in the Big House.
                            That is what we said about Hillary and she lived comfortably in Westchester NY .. And she deserved to be in the big house sharing the lunch table with Bernie Madoff.. Looks like Sleepy Joe might get there too..


                            • #15
                              Re: Reality

                              I'm not the smartest person around... just your average working joe of average intelligence but I do and always have payed attention to things going on around me along with remembering those who have helped ... those who have hindered and especially those who have screwed me. Today... all we have to go on is what we believe... and what we believe comes from the opinion we form after watching the news... reading an article or other sources such as the all so popular grapevine. So here's the kicker... most everything we think we know as fact when it comes to politics is... in reality just our opinion if you take the time to really think about it. And one thing that I never denied is that I'm very opinionated and not in the least afraid or ashamed to state it. Could I be wrong... hell ya... that's why forums like this have a political section. That said... here's what I think about the whole ordeal...

                              I'd like to know how many people think that our government is corrupt... and does the answer remain steadfast year after year regardless or does that answer depend on who's the president at the time of the asking. Our government has been corrupt for ages and will remain that way until it's citizens start realizing that they are being played for fools by all those corrupt politiicians and media. And IMO... it doesn't matter one damn bit whether your man won or lost this election... every single American should be highly disturbed the way this years election went down. Sure... the elections have been considered questionable by many Americans in the past but this time... they weren't even concerned with trying to hide all that blatant fraud that was so prevalent in many states. Why... well in the first place... they knew that many Americans would be willing to look the other way with that end justifyies the means BS... the corrupt left knew they had many corrupt on the right willing to back them up... they had all the key players that were needed in those key states and they had the bias MSM standing by to report it the way they were told.

                              Conspiracy no... but it was premeditated... elaborate and studious... which started with the left's insisting on getting their way on the mail in voting. Like they say... never let a crisis go to waste. All you that hated Trump may be pleased and satisfied with the results now because it went your way but that came at a very big price... our election process will be forever tainted. The one who the citizens believe to best suited to run this country will no longer prevail... it will be who the most corrupt behind the scenes willing to do whatever it takes decides who they think will be best for their nefarious goals.

                              There isn't one person I would believe if they tried telling me that they wouldn't be upset the way this election went down if it were reversed... not a one... sure... they may actually believe that BS... but they would only be fooling themselves. But then again... it would of been reported so much different by the MSM too... wouldn't it?

                              The human mind really is a miraculous masterpiece... it seems to always come up with a way to justify that overwhelming feeling of hate that humans are so vulnerable to. I'm also smart enough to realize that I'm not at all immune to that feeling either because if you can love... you can hate. Do I hate the way Trump conducts himself at times... proudly displaying his arrogance and high opinion of himself... you're damn right I do... but I don't let that cloud my judgement when thinking about who actually cares about our country... Constitution and it's citizens and who I think is best suited to run it. After all... as a famous man once said... we have... "A Republic, If You Can Keep It"... and believe you me... I want to keep it!!!

                              I would also rather have an arrogant and egotistical president than a corrupt one any day of the week. Sure... some of you will bring up Trump's taxes as a means to justify his corruption. Go ahead... just remember to think the same about everyone else who's creative when doing their taxes while overlooking all the excruciating evidence of Biden's corruption... after all... your mind doesn't need a reason to justify your hate for him... does it? And while you're at it... just remember that you are always perfect... right!!!

