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Corporations work with Government against the people

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  • Corporations work with Government against the people

    100 top CEOs and business leaders have agreed to band together and fight 'restrictive' voting laws designed to strengthen the integrity of elections, such as voter ID, after a weekend Zoom summit during which the CEOs threatened to withhold campaign contributions and punish states by pulling investments in factories, stadiums and other projects and endorsements.

  • #2
    Re: Corporations work with Government against the people

    Maybe these businesses should keep their heads out of politics and I do agree though with stopping their campaign contributions.. imagine that?? A Fortune 500 company that no politician is tied to .. Priceless..


    • #3
      Re: Corporations work with Government against the people

      Woke-a-Cola: How To Destroy A World-Leading Brand In 60 Seconds

      I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, 'Get Woke, Go Broke.” In the curious case of Coca-Cola, going woke may be the single biggest branding mistake in the history of marketing. In late February a whistleblower came forth with screenshots, posted on YouTube, of slides from Coke’s internal ‘diversity training’ course urging its employees to quote, 'Be less white.” And by ‘less white’ they mean subservient. They don’t mean be more sensitive. When this happened, I immediately said to myself, “Scratch ever buying another Coke product off my list.” Not a moment’s angst or energy went into it. “Be less white?” “Drink no Coke.”

      Why? Because choosing not to buy a Coke on the rare occasion I buy a soda anymore is an easy one. Sugar (or aspartame) and water in and of itself isn’t anything to get excited about, it’s the association of Coca-Cola with a past positive experience that is. And they just told me I’m a bad person because of the heritage of my birth. Not a positive, relationship-building experience. Now I know that Critical Race Theory hustlers think they can immunize themselves and their real agenda with rhetoric, justifying their racism and hoping they’ve conditioned enough of us into feeling guilty to allow the inversion of society where blacks are in power and whites are not. While words certainly have power, nothing has more power than action. This incident sparked an enormous controversy which has yet to die down.

      But it wasn’t one that made headlines for more than one news cycle. And yet, millions of people made the same effortless decision I did. Immediately Coke went into damage control and pulled the training course, issued statements that it wasn’t true and all the typical backpedaling a cowardly management team does when caught insulting a core customer base. You would think they would have learned from the NFL. But, no, sadly. In their quest to be all things to all people, if I’m being generous, Coke will quickly find themselves hated by everyone. Hated by whites for telling them they’re bad people. Hated by the race baiters for sucking up to their fragile white overlords. I’ve spoken to dozens of people who work in modern corporate America and Coke isn’t the outlier, but rather the norm. And the backlash against this race hustling isn’t just coming, it’s here. For some companies, they can survive a mistake like this because their business doesn’t depend on brand loyalty.

      Amplifying a race war between whites and blacks by turning every institution of culture into a hotbed of fabricated conflict built on false dichotomies has been their modus operandi for generations. Companies like Coke think they can bargain with these folks, that there is a limit to their behavior. But there isn’t. Coke has committed the critical sin. The race hustlers won this round.

      If Pepsi is smart they’ll fire their entire Diversity Division tomorrow, and put on a third production shift at the market rate for labor. If they don’t then they too simply want to go broke.


      • #4
        Re: Corporations work with Government against the people

        The woke corporations are coming for election integrity

        The story first broke on Sunday: Almost 100 CEOs from America’s biggest corporations had a conference call to discuss using their market power to force states with election ID requirements to ditch them and those without such requirements to maintain the status quo. By Monday, that list of roughly 100 major corporations had turned into a website boasting over 1,000 companies, all pushing to end election integrity. We need to push back.

        It started with a phone call that you can read about here. The phone call has now turned into a shiny website called “Civic Alliance.” The first sentence on the web page laughably claims that the “Civic Alliance [is] a nonpartisan group of businesses working together to build a future where everyone participates in shaping our country.” False! These are Democrat party operatives, so they really mean those who are here illegally, unregistered voters, dead voters, and imaginary voters.

        The reality is that, when elections are limited to legal voters who are properly registered and provide identification at the polling booth or along with their absentee ballot, elections tend to have conservative outcomes. When the Democrats jettison all rules for election integrity…well, that’s when they win.

        It’s clear that your grandfather’s Democrat party, the one that represented the working man and fought socialism, is gone for good. In its place are companies helmed by woke management that yearns for the good old days of fascism. (And no, I’m not calling them all little genocidal Hitlers. I’ll explain in a moment.)

        Every one of those CEOs, boards, and mid-level management people is the product of America’s colleges and universities, all with faculty almost entirely composed of the hardest left wing of the Democrat party. The days of coming up through the ranks as our grandparents and even our parents did are gone. Instead, these are men, women, and self-styled other things who have been marinated in the woke ideology that rejects every core American premise: They hate the Constitution, equality before the law and the rule of law, individuality, character over skin color, borders, etc.

